Rev. Chris Miletti
Lead Pastor
Get to Know Pastor CHris
Reverend Chris Miletti and his family accepted the call to serve Coshocton Alliance Church as their Pastor and was installed in October 2021. He enjoys playing games, playing music, playing and coaching both baseball and soccer.
Pastor Chris’ Testimony
I didn’t grow up in a Christian home. In fact I grew up in a broken and messy family. We loved each other, but like a lot of families we had our share of dysfunction. When I was in third grade I learned that the man I was calling my dad was not actually my dad. I didn’t know what to do with that information so I began pretending like everything was fine. I began to wear a mask, hiding what I really felt. I have had several men in my life that I have called dad and I was 17, almost 18 when I learned who my biological father truly was. In all these relationships with these men, I was the one who pursued, obeyed, and behaved in just the right ways in order to receive acceptance and love.
When I was 18, I started to date Amy, my wife. I began to go to church and hear what was called “the gospel”. I began hearing that God loved me and sent his Son Jesus to die on a cross for me. No matter how many times I heard it, I could not understand the gospel. To me, all I heard was that there was another man, with another set of rules for me to follow. I can’t tell you how many times I heard the gospel because frankly I don’t remember. It wasn’t until I went to the theater with our small group to see a new movie called “The Passion”. I remember being angry at all the people standing around and watching Jesus being brutally beaten and mocked. I cried a lot. Then, it happened. I saw Jesus carrying his cross to where he would be crucified, he falls over exhausted dropping the cross. I thought to myself “What did I expect, he’s only human, no one could go through all this torture. I don’t blame him.” and then miraculously, he gets up and with a look of determination on his face, he picks up the cross and keeps going towards his eventually hanging on the cross and death. It was in that moment God began to open my eyes, and when Jesus proclaimed “It is finished!” I knew right there what the gospel really was. I knew that Jesus was the one pursuing me! For the first time in my life I felt pursued after. Jesus was the one who loved me enough to come to me, Jesus was the one who chose me! I knew it to my core, and later that night I surrendered my life to Jesus. Jesus saved me. He didn’t ask me to fix my life first, or to take off all the masks I was wearing. He simply came to me as I was, undeserving, and when I surrendered my life to him as my Lord and Savior, he rescued me from the penalty of my sins and gave me a new life in Him!
I did not know all that Jesus had in store for me at the time, but I knew that I wanted to find out. Jesus began changing how I talked, he began a process of transforming me from the inside out. I learned how to surrender the hurts and masks I was wearing. I tried my best to please God, until I realized I couldn’t please him by trying harder to be a better Christian. I had to learn how to surrender all of my life to Jesus, and trust him with for everything. He didn’t just want some of my life, he wanted all of it. I have been learning how to say yes to Jesus ever since.
I had no clue that God would call me into vocational ministry as a Pastor and quite frankly, I still have moments where I battle the war in my mind about feeling unqualified. All I know for certain is: Jesus changed my life! That is the good news for us all my friends, Jesus can change your life too. He is the King of kings and the Lord of lords. He is the Savior of the world, and the best news is: He came to save you too!