What to Expect
Expect to be seen and greeted: We make it a point to make sure everyone is greeted and welcomed. We have prayed for you and even though we haven’t met, we are excited to meet you.
Expect to engage in worship: Everything we do is an act of worship. So when we gather as the Church, we are gathering to worship God. We worship in our singing, giving, serving, and learning.
Expect biblical preaching: Pastor Chris preaches through and from the scriptures. Although there are times when a topic might be preached, the primary method used for preaching God’s word is systematically through the scripture. This means we normally are spending several weeks to months in one book of the Bible as we seek to know and understand God’s word, and how to apply its meaning to our lives. We don’t want to simply know God’s word, we want God to transform our hearts with His word as we grow to understand Him better.
Expect to sing something new: All throughout the Bible we see God’s people singing new songs to the Lord. Every generation has new songs to sing to God because He is always doing new things. Jesus revealed to John in Revelation that we are going to be singing new songs for all eternity! We aim to sing songs that are sound in doctrine. These include hymns and contemporary worship songs.
Expect kids to make noise in service: We have some younger kids and yes at times they can get a little noisy. That’s what children do. We love our children and don’t expect them to sit quietly 100 percent of the time. We do have a nursery available and children are released twice a month for a lesson and crafts during the message.
Expect to be accepted as you are but challenged to be transformed: Jesus came to every sinner, He met them as they were. But the Good news is, He doesn’t allow us to stay where we are. He calls us to follow Him, and through discipleship, we allow Jesus to transform us into who He has called us to be all along.
Expect a variety of attire: We do not care what you wear and neither does Jesus. We only ask that you present yourself with decency. We have some who worship in their “Sunday Best” and some who worship in more casual attire. We don’t care what you look like on the outside, we care about your soul.
Expect no streaming service: We have weighed the pros and cons to streaming our services. We have intentionally decided not to stream our worship services at this time. Because we usually spend several weeks working through a book of the bible, we do record and upload the message each week onto our Spotify and Pandora channel for those who are unable to worship with us. We really believe that as believers, we need one another. The body of Christ is beautiful and we need each other’s gifts. So we do our best to worship and serve together.